Discover my Journey
Welcome to Dr. Charlotte’s world, where I embody a multitude of roles. As a Linguist, career
development specialist, communication skills and leadership coach, and recently, an author, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Let’s delve into my fascinating background!
My linguistic journey began with a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature from the
University of Eastern Africa Baraton. Throughout my studies, I found myself drawn to courses such as Theatre Arts, Women Writers, Children’s Literature, Creative Writing, Discourse Analysis, and Semantics and Pragmatics. Although my initial passion leaned towards literature, life had other plans for me. I found myself pursuing a Master’s degree at Middlesex University in England, specialising in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). This led me to work as an ESOL tutor, providing language support to immigrants in their job search. During this time, I discovered my knack for assisting clients with employability skills, including resume support and interview practice.
After completing my studies, I returned to Kenya, where I had the opportunity to teach English
Language at a high school for a brief period. The experience of inspiring those young girls left an
indelible mark on me. While reminiscing about those days, I remember a poignant incident during a parent-teacher meeting at Sinyolo Girls High School. I overheard a parent advising their daughter to focus on STEM subjects instead of excelling in English. The encounter captivated me, and if you’re curious about how I responded, feel free to reach out to me via email.
Following my teaching stint, I embarked on a career in higher education, starting at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (formerly Bondo University College). There, I pursued my PhD while working as an Assistant Lecturer, teaching Linguistics courses and communication skills. I am immensely grateful for the support I received from my mom and dad and esteemed professors at Sodertons University and the University of Copenhagen, namely Prof. Boreus and Prof. Merette. With their guidance and the expertise of my supervisors, Prof. Judith Attyang, Prof. Owino Rew, and Dr. Obiero Ogone, my PhD journey was a resounding success.
Fast forward to the present, Canada has become my new home, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to dedicate myself to the field of Career Development. I work closely with a diverse range of clients, assisting them with their unique career needs. Additionally, I have ventured into writing books and speaking at events, handpicking my favorite career specialties like choosing delectable dishes from a banquet buffet.
In summary, I hold a Ph.D. in Linguistics and boast over 15 years of classroom experience as an
Educator and Career Development Specialist. Leveraging my extensive linguistic expertise, I excel in various areas, including CV and Resume Writing, Job Search Strategies, Interview Tips, and Workplace Communication.
Join me on this incredible journey where I blend the roles of a Linguist, Storyteller, and Career
Development Specialist, as I empower individuals to unlock their true potential.